
on the pages of the German Professional Organization For Dance Therapists, registered society (Berufsverband der TanztherapeutInnen Deutschlands e.V. - BTD). We're the only professional group of dance therapy in Germany. We protect the quality of the education and the establishment of dance therapy in health service. The BTD represents Germany as a member of the European Association Dance Movement Therapy EADMT.

In the following you will gain an insight into the structures of this professional group and get a general idea about its contents and goals.

You will get informations about dance therapy and find a register of accredited dance therapists in your area on page THERAPISTS. Accredited BTD educational institutes you will find on page INSTITUTES.

Invitation to the 29th General Assembly 2024 in Bad Honnef

from 24-25 February 2024 with workshops on 23 February 2024

Dear members,

we invite you to the next General Assembly (GM) from 24-25 February 2024 in Bad Honnef. After last year's motto "Transitions" met with a very positive response, we have decided on the guiding theme "Preserve and Move" for the upcoming GM. In life, we are constantly faced with the question of whether to preserve the established or to move forward, to keep the familiar or to venture into the unknown. We are confronted with these polarities not only on an individual-personal level, but also on a socio-political level. We in the Professional Association of Dance Therapists in Germany BTD e.V. are also dealing with this issue and asking ourselves which established structures we want to continue and where new structures are useful and important. What is going well at BTD? What should stay the same? What should change? What should happen? And what can preservation and movement in our organisation look like in concrete terms? ... >>

Continue reading and download the invitation.

Download the registration form. The registration deadline is 20.12.2023.

Please save the form and open the PDF with Acrobat Reader, Google Chrome or Edge. (The Firefox browser cannot display the PDF form correctly). Send the completed file to the office: info@btd-tanztherapie.de

Acrobat Reader https://get.adobe.com/de/reader/

Dance Therapy Film

We are pleased to present here the image film of the BTD. Enjoy watching and sharing!