
on the pages of the German Professional Organization For Dance Therapists, registered society (Berufsverband der TanztherapeutInnen Deutschlands e.V. - BTD). We're the only professional group of dance therapy in Germany. We protect the quality of the education and the establishment of dance therapy in health service. The BTD represents Germany as a member of the European Association Dance Movement Therapy EADMT.

In the following you will gain an insight into the structures of this professional group and get a general idea about its contents and goals.

You will get informations about dance therapy and find a register of accredited dance therapists in your area on page THERAPISTS. Accredited BTD educational institutes you will find on page INSTITUTES.

Save the date!

30 years BTD - Anniversary

30th General Assembly 2025 in Munich-Freising
from 07-09 February 2025 with workshops on 07 February 2025

The BTD Board of Directors cordially invites you to the General Meeting in Freising. This time it will be held exclusively in person. To mark our 30th anniversary, we have chosen the motto ‘Excellence and Innovation’.
Due to the reserved room contingent in the Pallotti House, we are sending you our invitation unusually early. Please register as soon as possible.
As always, the training programme will begin on Friday at 14:00 with interesting and topical workshops.
Young therapists will give excellent presentations on innovative topics. On the topic of professional policy, we invite everyone to experience excellence in an innovative way.
This time, we are dispensing with the online discussion groups.
On Friday evening, you can deepen existing contacts and make new ones at the popular meet & greet.
As professional policy work is becoming increasingly important and the Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Künstlerische Therapien (BAG KT) is active and successful in terms of professional policy, we invite you to an interesting lecture by Beatrix Evers-Grewe, the first chairwoman of the BAG KT, on Saturday morning. We are very much looking forward to her.
On Saturday evening we have every reason to celebrate: together with the BTD, three of our training institutes are celebrating their anniversary. Let us surprise you with something creative, a buffet and then a lively dance party!
On Saturday after lunch, the general meeting starts at 13:30 and ends on Sunday at 12:00. You will find the agenda, the topics of the workshops, the transfer of voting rights and a list of hotels attached to the invitation and on the BTD website. Please register using the online registration form. For student members we grant a discount of 20% on the total amount (incl. workshops).
The registration deadline is 09.11.2024

Pallotti House Freising
Pallottinerstr. 2
85354 Freising

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the active members of the Munich and Lower Bavaria regional group for organising this MV on site. We look forward to welcoming you again or for the first time at our anniversary event and wish us all a lively, informative and inspiring MV 2025 in Freising!

With best regards

Your board
Amanda Freiberg (1st Chairwoman)
Martina Meshesha (2nd Chairwoman)
Natascha Waßerfall (Treasurer)
Elisabeth Erhardt (Secretary)

Registration form: please download the registration form, fill it in and send it to the e-mail address provided.

Download the

  • Pulse of the community: Intersectional empowerment in dance performance projects
    Callie Arnold
  • What can we do to ensure that dance therapy is more widely incorporated into medical
    with Dr. Undine Uhlig
  • Innovation needs staying power. How breathing, emotion and movement provide stamina
    with Nina Ridderbecks
  • Powerful expression and mindfulness: stick fighting for dance therapists
    with Anja Wolfermann

Dance Therapy Film

We are pleased to present here the image film of the BTD. Enjoy watching and sharing!