([OM] Ordentliches Mitglied, [TT] Tanztherapeut/in)
I´m the founder, senior psychotherapiest & trainer of Life Origin-Centre for Meditation & Healing Arts/ Centre for Expressive & Somatic Psychotherapy in Hong Kong; Registered Social Worker specialized in Mental Health, Registered Dance Therapist BTD, Somatic Experiencing Practitioner (SEP), Certified NGH Instructor, Certified Massage Therapist & the clinical membership of USABP. ARea of intrest: Use of Dance Movement Therapy in the Inner Child Healing; Embodied Moving Meditation; Biodanza; Somatic-Emotional Freedom Exercises; Mindfulness.
Our services: To promote the somatic & expressive psychotherapy, inner child healing, active meditation & different kinds of non-traditional healing arts, working the client with emotional issues (developmental & shock trauma), offering the training to helping professionals & integrate the "Mindfulness" into the clinical practice in Hong Kong since 2008.
HK-00000 Hong Kong
Telefon: 852 - 605 104 77
Berufsverband der TanztherapeutInnen Deutschlands e.V. (BTD)
Benedikt-Hagn-Straße 5b
D-80689 München
+49 89 58 97 90 23